الثوم الاسود


49.00 AED

الثوم الاسود

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الثوم الأسود هو منتج مخمر وهو مصدر أقوى بكثير من مضادات الأكسدة من الثوم العادي، ويلعب دورًا مهمًا في تقوية جهاز المناعة ودعم نمو العظام، ويضاف إلى لحم البقر والدجاج لإضافة النكهة.

49.00 AED 49.0 AED 49.00 AED

49.00 AED

غير متوفر للبيع

    هذه التركيبة غير موجودة.

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    Black garlic is a fermented product and is a much stronger source of antioxidants than regular garlic , and plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and supporting bone growth, Garlic is a treasure trove of antioxidants and vitamins. However, when scientists discovered that fermented foods are more beneficial to the human body, these Black garlic is richer in antioxidants than regular garlic. This feature ensures that toxins that accumulate due to improper eating habits are removed as quickly as possible. - Cleanses the body of toxins and increases its immunity against life-threatening diseases, Supports brain development and enhances memory. - Helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. - Strengthens hair structure and promotes healthy growth. Fermented black garlic, which has no bitterness and does not cause bad breath, can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Since the bitter taste disappears after brewing, side effects such as heartburn also disappear. This product can be eaten for breakfast with toast. It can also be added to beef and chicken to add flavour.
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